Firstly thank you for taking the time to learn more about
Network Sunday, TechPros and of course our client’s experiences.
The idea of producing Customer Insight Reports (CIRs) as a new offering was recently pitched to an established marketing consultant in the B2B SaaS world. His response was ‘marketing leaders are constantly looking for ways to encourage clients to ‘tell a good story, its one of our biggest challenges.’ This was enough and since we already had a mature interview and content production operation set up it was fairly easy for us to execute this idea and so the CIR was born.
Instead of formally approaching a client to try and sanction a case study which often takes longer to get sign off, CIRs go directly to the people who are working with the product or service via an agreement to a 30 min interview. Rather than focus only on their experience with the solution, we intend to capture participants' wider view of the market too.
The idea of the CIR is that once set up, perhaps with 3 or 4 featured clients more could be added over time as more clients are happy to participate.
So to kick off the CIRs, we thought we would first produce one for Network Sunday.