How seriously should businesses take employee experience?
Creating a positive employee experience should be a top two or three priority for businesses. A meaningful employee experience is the result of companies having a clear vision of the experience they want to create, and ensuring that it supports the overall business strategy. Proper employee experience is not about creating nice, fluffy moments for your employees. It is about aligning the experience as a key driver and enabler of your business strategy. When done correctly, meaningful employee experience drives higher engagement and therefore higher performance as a result.

Meaningful employee experience drives higher engagement and therefore higher performance as a result.

High levels of employee engagement and satisfaction are crucial to both business performance and employee retention.
What can businesses do to improve employee engagement?
We all know that high levels of employee engagement and satisfaction are crucial to both business performance and employee retention. Businesses that want to improve their employee engagement need to think about three things. The first is creating a safe and fully inclusive environment for their employees. When people feel psychologically safe and have the confidence to be themselves in the workplace, they will naturally explore and develop their own ambitions in line with the overall business strategy. Secondly, employees need to feel like they are making a difference with their work. Your employees are human beings at the end of the day and giving them a sense of purpose and belonging helps satisfy that basic human need of taking pride in their work. Finally, stimulate curiosity and experimentation. Encouraging and accepting new ideas from your employees is a sure-fire way to make them feel valued and empower their best work.
Are businesses focusing on the right things?
Many employee experience strategies can be seen as a house built on sand. The house is the tools and techniques used across the business. Whilst some of it may be ok, there is normally a good amount of tokenism. You would be amazed how quickly the novelty of free fruit wears off! And in reality, businesses are missing out on the deepest work that really influences the employee experience, aka the foundations of the house.
The foundations of employee experience come from identity, purpose and practice. Everybody within your business, regardless of their role or experience, should have clear visibility and understand the expectations around all three. When the entire organisation is clear on who they are, how they show up and how they want to be perceived across all levels, employee experience becomes significantly more meaningful. This understanding then makes it much easier to implement the correct house of processes, systems and behaviours to support business strategy.

Businesses are missing out on the deepest work that really influences the employee experience, aka the foundations of the house.

The Purposeful Leader is a boutique consultancy that works with professionals who want to deliver on high expectations and achieve professional success while pursuing a purposeful, fulfilling life. Their support helps modern professionals to navigate the pressure of modern life and strive for a more prosperous and purposeful existence.