Thoughts from Unifii
Myles Molloy & Jack Williamson

Employees are more confident in their value than ever before. If they feel this value isn’t recognised by their employer, then the decision to find greener pastures is a simple one.
We are already seeing businesses struggle with employee retention as a result of poor employee experience. A very common cause of poor employee experience is communication and access to information. Long gone are the days where a poster in the canteen or elevator was an accepted form of communication! As hybrid & remote working become increasingly common, the way that businesses communicate with their employees simply has to change. When an employee is feeling ill late at night, the last thing they want to do is open their work laptop, login via a VPN and search a poorly organised server for advice on taking sick leave. With so much of our lives managed through mobile phones and tablets now, businesses have a responsibility to find technology options that empower their employees to find the information they need at the time they need it most.
But positive employee experience is dependent on more than just technology. All too often we see businesses introduce new technology and expect it to magically transform the working lives of their staff. Positive employee experience is also about bringing your colleagues on a journey with you, through a shared sense of purpose. We are seeing new generations in the workforce wanting their employers to authentically engage with social and environmental causes. Not many businesses have caught up to this realisation yet, meaning that they are missing out on top talent.

Technology will be required to empower collaboration across different time zones and collate individual segments of work into one meaningful output.
In the coming years the relationship between employees and work will continue to change. The concept of ‘work-life balance’ will soon be a redundant one as the two become intertwined. This does not mean work never ends for employees, but rather becomes more segmented and completed around the running of their personal lives. Employees will expect a level of flexibility which can only be achieved through the right technologies and mentalities. Technology will be required to empower collaboration across different time zones and collate individual segments of work into one meaningful output.

The insights uncovered through this thought leadership programme have been both enlightening and reassuring. It is clear that HR leaders at the top of their game are taking employee experience seriously and helping to create working environments for their colleagues which make them feel valued and able to perform their best work.
It is our hope that HR leaders who read this report recognise the importance of positive employee experience and the role that technology plays in achieving this.
If this sounds like you but you’re not sure where to start your organisation’s transformational journey, please feel free to reach out to either of us for more information: