What do salespeople need to take into consideration before engaging with a prospect?
Salespeople should take into consideration that their prospect will likely do extensive research prior to having that first sales conversation. The key point here is that the prospect needs to have access to as much information as possible beforehand and the salesperson needs to be able to track the information provided and when, where, and how it is received and be ready with answers that the prospect could ask.

Salespeople should take into consideration that their prospect will likely do extensive research prior to having that first sales conversation.
How can marketing support salespeople in building trust with prospects?
There are several ways in which marketers can support and assist salespeople in building trust. I believe the first step is to increase the credibility of the company through thought leadership, case studies, analyst reports and co-marketing with known brands to expand their reach. After that, you can move on to promoting individual salespeople as thought leaders through webinars, blog posts and industry-related articles. The combination of these strategies gives salespeople credibility in the market which in turn helps build trust when they are engaging with prospects.

I believe the first step is to increase the credibility of the company through thought leadership, case studies, analyst reports and co-marketing with known brands to expand their reach.
With the demand for instant gratification increasing across the digital buyer landscape, what strategies can be implemented to better hold the buyer’s attention ?
You have to work really hard at giving advertising to attract interest. If it's visible enough and attention-grabbing, they will engage with it. Therefore, the content published needs to be interactive, educational and short. This encourages people to go through it because they don't have to commit as much of their time.