What are some key elements of creating a successful buyer’s journey in a digital marketplace?
Firstly, creating content that supports your buyers at every stage is imperative, and is easily done in a digital world. It's about being very strategic with the content produced and then investing in getting it out there so that it’s easily found. This involves using various tactics such as emailers, SEO and pay-per-click.
You also have to make sure there is a clear buyer’s journey in place. Once people have found that one piece of content, you need to ask yourself what do you want them to do next? How do you draw them into the buying cycle at the point of the journey that they’re in? You need to make sure that they’re receiving the right content at the right time and make it easy to self-serve and navigate that journey.

It's about being very strategic with the content produced and then investing in getting it out there so that it’s easily found.
What is the best way to capture the attention of your audience?
I believe in order to capture the attention of an audience, it comes down to being present when your audience has a question. The most important thing here is to invest in search engine optimization and pay-per-click strategies, so that when people are searching online, you’re there with the solution. Content can't be fluffy anymore. If you really want to grab their attention and have them come back for more, it has to be genuinely valuable.

The most important thing here is to invest in search engine optimization and pay-per-click strategies, so that when people are searching online, you’re there with the solution.
In today’s market of virtual selling, what strategies can salespeople use to provide a better customer experience?
Salespeople can certainly engage better and create a superior experience by utilising technology. These platforms such as sales enablement and video prospecting are simple to use and it’s important to understand how we can build them into customer interactions.
Additonally, salespeople can deliver a better experience by focusing more narrowly on their audience. Having more targeted conversations allows you to go deeper with the right audience and that improves the experience for them. If you’re engaging a small group of buyers in a productive conversation that they will learn from and benefit from, it becomes much more about thought leadership, than selling. This kind of approach elevates traditional sales meetings into something that your buyers will value far more.